Better Days Ahead

Hello loves, long time no see here on the blog! Some say time passes slowly during quarantine but I feel it’s passing super fast, the days just mix together and feels like one big Sunday don't you think?

Ibizabohogirl and her spring look

I'm wearing: Spell Designs tunic, Miles to Magnolia vintage bag, coin belt from Hippie Moon

75 years of freedom without a party

Yesterday we celebrated our national Liberation Day. Normally we would go to a festival with friends and celebrate big time. This year the streets were empty. Although our lives (and I'm sure yours has too) have changed so much over the last few weeks, it's almost starting to feel normal already. Standing in line outside the bakery, having to cut and color my own hair, there hasn't been a traffic jam in the Netherlands for weeks and I have never ever spent so much time reading and doing puzzles.

Now I'm not traveling I spend my days hardly leaving the house, editing photos, working on the online shop, or working in our little garden, so it’s not a big difference now, just that we have more time to relax. Luckily we are slowly getting out the lockdown as more restrictions are being lifted. Hairdressers are allowed to open next week and outdoor restaurants and bars are to follow soon. That's such good news for all beach clubs as summer is approaching soon now!

I don't think the 1,5-meter rule will be lifted soon neither the possibility to travel again, but I'm focussing on the positive side as much as I can.

7 things to do during quarantine

How to stay sane during your quarantine days?

Staying at home all the time might be nice for a long weekend, but how do you survive being stuck for weeks? This is a list of things I've done and still do to get through the days with a smile:

My favorite 7 things to do during quarantine

  • Go for an early morning run to get your energy levels up or workout at home for 30 minutes.
  • Become a Marie Kondo and start cleaning and reorganizing like a pro.
  • All those overstuffed drawers? Does it spark joy? Time to let go! I simply can't believe I had 24 all similar pink/beige lipsticks!
  • If possible spend as a little time a day outside. Go for a walk, take your neighbor's dog, and go to a park nearby.
  • Connect with your friends. Especially in these crazy days, you need them. Video call them, or if allowed go on a walk with a distance.
  • Are you feeling anxious? For me, cleaning the house really helps. Just vacuum cleaning or I have totally rediscovered jigsaw puzzles to ease my mind. Repainting old furniture is one of my favorites for rainy days.
  • Make a list of all the things you want to do, the friends you want to cuddle, and trips you want to make once the quarantine is lifted. Create your own happy list.

I hope you're still doing ok and please let me know what you are doing to get through your quarantine. Just drop me a message below

Have a great week! Stay safe, stay healthy,

xoxo Yvon

ps: don't forget to sign up for my newsletter and get all the latest news in boho world 



  1. Tiffany Firestine
    May 8, 2020 / 2:45 am

    Where can I shop on this site

    • May 8, 2020 / 9:26 am

      Hi Tiffany,
      You can follow the shop links under the picture or have a look at the Favorite Page where you can find more shop links. Hope this helps, xoxo Yvon