Moving to Oslo

Moving to Oslo? Starting a new adventure in Norway!

Moving to Oslo? Starting a new adventure in Norway!

Someone once told me foreigners only move to Norway for two reasons; money or love. Well for me that is no different. My boyfriend got a job offer at the beginning of this year and we were both like Norway why not? After living in Boston for a while we were both very keen on moving again for at least one more time. Norway was never something we had really considered. Spain, yes. Australia, yes. Back to Boston, yes. But Norway?  We both visited Norway only one time before to see the Nordic lights and I remember we both instantly felt at home. But living here permanently? Then again why not?

Moving to Oslo? Starting a new adventure in Norway!

Fast forward a few months later and with some delay because of all the Covid rules we were finally able to move here in July! I left my friends and family whom I love dearly for a new adventure in Norway. I’m Dutch and I think that goes hand in hand with a love for travel and the urge to explore. A new adventure awaits!

Salty Crush
Salty Crush
Salty Crush
Spell Designs
Spell Designs
Spell Designs

Why Oslo?

One thing we knew for sure. We wanted to live in the city of Oslo and not somewhere remote in the mountains. We both love the hustle and bustle of a big city, eating, drinking, and socializing as much as possible. Furthermore, the idea of having to plow me through a mountain of snow in the winter doesn't look very appealing to this summer girl. I left my car in the Netherlands so we are relying on public transport here (which is amazing btw).

Moving to Oslo? Starting a new adventure in Norway!

Now the first month has passed, discovering our new city and learning new things every day.  Did you know that asking for sugar with your coffee is frowned upon here? The Norwegians don't do sugar. They even have a sugar tax here! Hiking is a big thing here. There are more outdoor stores here than shoe stores! Every weekend the Norwegians go out to the mountains or their hytte (cabin) to go hiking or skiing when possible. Norwegians were born with skis on their feet! Do you think that at the tender age of 50 I'm too old to learn? 

Moving to Oslo? Starting a new adventure in Norway!

What are you going to do there?

To be honest, the only answer I could think of was I'm not sure yet.  I love my boyfriend and after almost 11 years together I didn’t want to do long long distances. I never even considered not going with him. I will keep on sharing my life here on the blog with you. I'll keep on sharing my pics on Instagram, but I also really want to be part of Norwegian life. I want to learn to speak Norwegian fluently, that's why I'm going to school 4 days a week. I want to make new friends here and embrace every aspect of the Scandinavian culture. I would love to find a job here and have colleagues. Does that make sense?


Moving to Oslo? Starting a new adventure in Norway!


For now, we are staying in a tiny apartment, but we found our new home already. We will move in September and I can't wait to show you! I feel settled in our new city. I feel blessed with this new adventure! I'll keep you posted as much as possible. Sharing all my crazy stories with you!

Did you ever move country? Let me know what you loved and found the hardest in the comments below! Would love to learn from you!


With love,


ps: these pictures were shot at Damstredet Oslo



  1. Constance
    August 1, 2021 / 1:56 pm

    Lieve Yvon, wat ontzettend gaaf en ik hou d’r van. Ik blijf je volgen, omdat jij een voorbeeld bent voor zoveel vrouwen in onze leeftijd over de hele wereld.
    Inmiddels ken je ons avontuur en ik hoop, ergens ooit, dat we elkaar ontmoeten….
    We keep in touch. Wens Ajo heel veel succes met zijn nieuwe job en wens jullie samen heel veel succes en plezier in Noorwegen…… ik ben er ooit geweest en het is er werkelijk prachtig!

    • August 1, 2021 / 3:39 pm

      Dank je wel lieve Constance!

      Ik weet dat jullie hetzelfde avontuur aangaan en ik ben super benieuwd hoe jullie het gaan ervaren! Keep me posted! Dikke kus, Yvon

    • Mary Margaret Ossevoort
      October 18, 2021 / 8:09 pm

      Lieve Ivon,
      Wat gaaf en wat een grote stap van Nederland naar Noorwegen! Ik wens jou en je man heel veel geluk in je nieuwe woon land en geniet lekker van al het nieuws.
      Ik heb de paar foto’s gezien waar je wandeld in een van de straatjes daar, het ziet er erg mooi uit, en ik geloof je direct dat het erg wennen was de eerste paar maanden. Gelukkig kan jij nog wat makkelijker overvliegen naar Amsterdam. Ik kan pas volgend jaar (na 6 jaren) weer naar Nederland op bezoek en ik heb het ook erg zwaar gehad de eerste maanden. Maar nu ben ik aardig gewend in Ecuador. Wat ik hier nog steeds erg moeilijk vind is dat mensen afspraken maken en veel beloven maar het ook heel snel weer vergeten! Dat valt moeilijk als je zelf nogal punctueel bent met dit soort zaken. En ik spreek nog steeds niet perfect Spaans maar de mensen hier gaan mij wel beter begrijpen. Voor de rest.. Ik geniet ook heel erg van de natuur, hier, die is werkelijk schitterend.

  2. Gudrun Hilsenbek
    August 1, 2021 / 2:00 pm

    Good luck for your new life in Norway!
    Btw., Norwegians are very nice and relaxed!

    • August 1, 2021 / 3:46 pm

      Thanks Gudrun!
      I really feel at home here! I find that the Norwegians are very helpful and friendly! xoxo Yvon

  3. Monica
    August 1, 2021 / 2:16 pm

    How fabulously exciting! Don’t forget us – I adore you blog and your style! ♥️

    • August 1, 2021 / 3:40 pm

      Hi Monica!

      I’ll keep you posted on all my adventures. Thanks for following me! xoxo Yvon

  4. Sunny Simonetti
    August 1, 2021 / 2:18 pm

    So happy for you and your new adventure of moving to Norway. It is so smart of you to even learn the language. I think a smart beautiful woman like you will be a big hit there and will find success. Good luck to your boyfriend and his new job also. Now as a woman who is old enough to be your mother I have one more comment: MARRY the boyfriend!!😁

    • August 6, 2021 / 11:39 am

      hahaha! It’s about time right 🙂 xoxo Yvon

  5. mara'
    August 1, 2021 / 3:37 pm

    How exciting. I am originally from N.Y. My children were raised in N J. I have also lived in Ca., Fl. & now Az. (Different towns). I too have traveled to Europe…Barcelona,Rome, parts of Switzerland, Amsterdam & England. If I had my choice to move to Europe, it would be Switzerland. It is quite beautiful & even better (if at all possible) my new son-in-law is from Switzerland.
    May you find joy & happiness in your new surroundings!

    • August 1, 2021 / 3:43 pm

      ahh…thank you so much Mara! I love Switzerland too! I think that nature wise the countries are very much a like! Hug xoxo Yvon

  6. Tuija
    August 1, 2021 / 3:40 pm

    Norway is a beautiful country, I hope you enjoy your stay and have great time 🌞🌻

    • August 1, 2021 / 3:41 pm

      Thanks so much Tuija! xoxo Yvon

  7. Lisa Renae
    August 1, 2021 / 3:49 pm

    Thank you for sharing! It looks like a gorgeous place to live! I’m living vicariously through you so keep on updating us!

    • August 6, 2021 / 11:39 am

      Thanks so much Lisa! I’ll keep you posted on all my adventures here! xoxo Yvon

  8. Amalia
    August 1, 2021 / 4:26 pm

    Happy to know that you feel at home! I couldn’t with the language, only tried few months, but if I had had a blond Norwegian boyfriend may be would make it easier!! 😂😂😂😂 Can’t wait for your Norge pics, love

    • August 6, 2021 / 11:41 am

      Ah thanks so much Amalia. The Norwegian language is actually not so difficult for a Dutch person. Some words are even just the same. I still have a long way to go, but I really like it! xoxo Yvon

  9. Regislane Costa
    August 1, 2021 / 5:13 pm

    Thank you for sharing your happiness with us❣️

    • August 6, 2021 / 11:42 am

      Thanks so much sweetie! It’s a really nice experience to build a new life again. I’ll keep you posted on all my adventures xoxox Yvon

  10. Nikki
    August 1, 2021 / 6:06 pm

    Heel leuk! Kan niet wachten om het te zien in het echt!! Xoxo

    • August 6, 2021 / 11:43 am

      Ik heb vandaag al een geweldig leuke koffie tentje gevonden voor je!!! xoxo Yvon

  11. Linda
    August 1, 2021 / 6:37 pm

    Thank you for sharing your feeling & experiences moving to another Country!
    Happy for You, Beautiful there!
    Love the Tax on Sugar!💚

    • August 6, 2021 / 11:45 am

      The Norwegian diet is really healthy! And I love the whole no sugar thing too! xoxo Yvon

  12. Rosemary
    August 1, 2021 / 6:41 pm

    Have a fabulous time. 🌈It sounds like a wonderful place to discover and with your attitude you’ll fit right in. Please keep us posted on your progress, already I know more about Norway 🌻

    • August 6, 2021 / 11:46 am

      Ahhh thank you so much Rosemary!

      I will definitely keep you posted! We will move into our new home in a few weeks and I can’t wait to share it with you xoxo Yvon

  13. Gerda Voet
    August 1, 2021 / 6:47 pm

    Heel veel succes met jouw nieuw avontuur 🤗

    • August 6, 2021 / 11:47 am

      Dank je wel lief! Het is echt een heel mooi avontuur om mee te mogen maken. xoxo Yvon

  14. Ræha
    August 1, 2021 / 8:16 pm

    Well I have lived in oslo for last 10 months and I didn’t like it , but all the best for you.

    • August 6, 2021 / 11:48 am

      Ah…really? Did you move here during the winter?

  15. Yvonne
    August 1, 2021 / 10:24 pm

    My husband & I emigrated from the UK to South Australia fifteen years ago. I was 38 at the time & my hubby was in his 50’s. We love it here. The beautiful scenery, the beautiful weather…there’s so much to love! We are finally building a house near the beach & are both so excited!

    Wishing you blessings for your new move & new adventures! ❤️

    • August 6, 2021 / 11:50 am

      That’s sounds just like us Yvonne! This really feels like an adventure and I just feel very blessed we are given this opportunity. The weather here is just not as good as in Australia I’m afraid! 🙂

      Wishing you all the best on your new beach home! xoxo Yvon

  16. veronica
    August 2, 2021 / 5:46 am

    Sounds like you will be having new adventures and a new beginning. I’ve never been to Norway but it always looks very peaceful in pictures and I love the snow as it reminds me when I was little going tobogganing when we lived in Germany. Enjoy and I hope to see lots of pictures. Blessings Veronica

    • August 6, 2021 / 11:51 am

      Thanks so much Veronica!

      Life is really good here and somehow I fit in very easily with all the Norwegian people. Just need to work on my language skills 🙂 xoxo Yvon

  17. Dagmar
    August 2, 2021 / 11:00 am

    Hi Yvon,

    my first ever foreign experience was back in 1976 when I moved from Germany to the USA with my sister (20 and 19 years old). We do have relatives in Southern Illinois, in a little town called Christopher, and so we had a place where we could stay for the next 6 months.

    Two country girls from Germany in a country town in the USA was quite something. Talking about culture clash big time. Back in the 70s we knew CocaCola. That was it. And here in the land of the free we discovered fast food heaven (or hell – depends upon preferences) like Burger King, Dairy Queen, Dunkin’ Doughnuts,Taco Bell, Pizza Hut!!!, some kind of fish place I can’t remember and those all-you-can-eat diners. Totally unknown to us. Needless to say, we gained quite a few pounds during our stay even though we worked (cleaning gas stations!!). I don’t eat much fast food anymore but kept my love for rootbeer.

    What was also fascinating was the different flirting culture. We were liberal flirters. In Germany flirting was just having fun, no obligations, no physical contacts. Here in the US they took it so serious and we did not understand the rule of the 3 dates. But also we really learned to appreciate the politeness of the country folks in the US. They are absolutely adorable!!

    There is so much more to tell but I’ll leave it at that. I’ve lived in France for a while too, in Italy an even shorter time. Those are different stories.

    Have a good time in Norway!!!! I am looking forward to hearing about your adventures.


    • August 6, 2021 / 11:58 am

      Hi Dagmar!

      I love your story about your move in the 70s! And I can so image the complete culture clash you must have had! I remember the first time I went to the States as a child I did nothing else but eat at the Pancake House, be amazed at the huge quantity of Coke in a cup and the countless tv-stations. Did you ever move back to Germany or do you still go back to there once in a while?

      Life is treating us well! The Norwegian life style is very healthy, no sugar and it seems everybody is always hiking, skiing or swimming! hahah…I really need to work on my exercise level to keep up!

      I’ll keep you posted xoxo Yvon

  18. Denise Ross
    August 2, 2021 / 11:09 am

    I’m so excited for you, what a wonderful opportunity to live in another country. I moved from New Zealand to Australia when I was 16 years old with my family. Both my parents immigrated to New Zealand, separately – they didn’t meet until they had both been living in New Zealand a little while – from the Netherlands after ww2.
    I was 7 years old when we all went to visit my parents families in the Netherlands for four months. I totally loved the experience and would love to do it again as an adult now with my husband, and with my oldest son living abs working in the uk it’s a possibility that I like to entertain for the future. I think at 50, I’d definitely appreciate the experience even more.
    I’ll live vicariously through you, continuing to be inspired to follow my dream.

    • August 6, 2021 / 12:02 pm

      Wow Denise!

      That’s so wonderful to hear! It must be so weird to visit the Netherlands if you have only heard from it through stories. Where is your family from in the Netherlands?

      Life here is treating us well! We blend in kinda easy although we do have to learn a lot more Norwegian! We found our new home here and we hope to move in about 3 weeks! Can’t wait to show you xoxo Yvon

  19. Marijke
    August 2, 2021 / 11:12 am

    OMG Yvon, wat is het gezellig en vooral mooi daar! Ik zou ook geen minuut twijfelen om mee te gaan hoor ..
    En als dat je voorlopig huisje is, magnefiek, en zó kleurrijk, wauw.
    Blijf zeker posten want dat lijkt me zeker eens vakantie waardig ..
    Goed dat je de taal gaat leren, ook zoveel handiger bij alles wat je doet.
    Super tof, ik blijf je zeker volgen.
    Top vrouwtje! 👌

    • Diana
      August 2, 2021 / 11:34 am

      Hi Yvon.
      As written before on Instagram I can only recommend moving countries, even when u r “older”, whatever that means. U don’t look 50 btw.
      I am happy that u had a good start in Oslo.
      Similar like you I never considered scandinavian countries, I felt attracted by the South. Always wanted to live in Spain.
      Then, some years ago, I went to Oslo for a weekend break and I fall in love with this city.
      Haven’t seen much of the countryside but I know that there is stunning nature to explore.
      I am definately going back to Scandinavia.
      There s so much to see.
      I moved to Switzerland more than 13 years ago. It was a spontaneous decision. I never considered living here. Once again: Spain? Yes. Portugal? Also. Switzerland was definately not on my mind.
      I came here all on my own. Made new friends and settled down. Will I be here for the next 5 years? No idea.
      I am 40 now but I can imagine starting a new adventure abroad.
      Going with a partner is definately easier as you share everything. I wish you all tbe best and good luck with ur goals. You ve that energy. I am sure you will achieve.

  20. August 2, 2021 / 6:45 pm

    Your pictures make me want to pack up my suitcases and come to Norway! I follow several Norwegian IG accounts and while watching the Black Widow (lots of scenes shot in Norway out in the mountains -which sealed the deal, btw) we (me and hubs) agreed that visiting Norway is absolutely on our bucket list!
    I cannot wait to see more of your life there! Good luck with all your endeavors!

    • August 6, 2021 / 12:06 pm

      Ahhh thanks so much Maya!

      I know you will love it here! The nature is amazing and the space….coming from the Netherlands it’s probably the space here that fascinates me the most.

      We still have so much to discover here, but I’m enjoying every minute! xoxo Yvon

  21. Karen
    August 3, 2021 / 9:26 pm

    I am so excited for your new adventure. My husband and I live to cross country ski…skate and classic…learn you will love it…I hope. We also follow ski racing which is huge in Norway. Enjoy it all and share your beautiful photography, and I am looking forward to your Norwegian stories!

    • August 6, 2021 / 12:08 pm

      thanks so much Karen!

      To be honest I’m not sure how the Norwegian winter is going to suit me 🙂 I’ve never been much of a skier but I promised my husband I’m gonna try to start with langlaufen. I’ll keep you posted! xoxo Yvon

  22. August 11, 2021 / 9:46 am

    Hi Yvon, ik heb net je blog ontdekt! Heel inspirerend… ik ben zelf twee keer naar het buitenland verhuist. Naar Bonaire én Ibiza. Maar ik kwam ook steeds weer terug naar NL. Wat ik zo fijn vond aan het leven in het buitenland is de nieuwe mensen die je ontmoet, de andere cultuur, het gevoel dat elke dag een nieuw avontuur is… Ik had het voor geen goud willen missen! Geniet van jullie avontuur…

    • January 15, 2022 / 10:51 am

      Wat goed te horen Saskia! Bonaire en Ibiza klinken alle twee als muziek in m’n oren! Misschien dat we na dit Noorwegen avontuur ook wel afzakken naar het zonnige Spanje. Wie weet 🙂

      Liefs uit Oslo xoxo

  23. August 11, 2021 / 9:40 pm

    Hi Yvon, I’m so happy for you and your boyfriend!!
    I’m sure you will make new friends very soon(if you haven’t all ready!) You are such an amazing person, I Love how positive you are and happy, smart and full of life!!! I really admire you my friend😊. And beautiful!!
    I wish you both all the best in your new adventure.
    I Love following you and your style!!!! ❤
    Take care and stay safe 💕✌❤

    Ps. Sorry few times didn’t write but I’ve been kind of busy.

    • January 15, 2022 / 10:54 am

      Hi Maria!

      It’s so good to hear from you again! Life in Norway is very good and we are enjoying every minute of it!
      Not sure if the skiing thing is something for me, but I do love the whole hiking culture here.

      with hugs,
      xoxo Yvon